
Dr Jan Telensky,
Founder & CEO

Using his motto of “Strive for a clearly defined objective and make the impossible possible without an excuse” Jan has become a highly successful entrepreneur and a passionate environmentalist. His many successful business ventures extend between the UK and Central Europe and Include Property Development, Education and Training ( Including via Virtual Reality), Hospitality and Sport.  In the UK Jan’s key focus has been to train and educate the next generation of qualified tradesman and also  build high – quality affordable housing options to communities across the country. Jan is a firm believer in the power of innovation and collaboration to drive positive social change. His mission is to make a meaningful impact in society by leveraging his expertise, technology, connections and relationships to create end-to end social impact solutions that address key issues in society today.

In 2020, Jan received the Dahrendorf Responsible Capitalism Award. The Award was presented at the House of Lords (in 2022 due to Covid) by Rt Hon Lord Judge PC for the recognition of how successful business leaders apply the principles of moral and social responsibility in the running of their business, combining social commitment with business acumen and innovation, and building a coherent philosophy in which the company’s success is judged over the long-term by criteria that include sustainability, equality and moral justice as well as sound financial benchmarks.

We Do

  • Property Sourcing
  • Planning
  • Scheme Design
  • Construction

Property Sourcing

Sourcing the correct property is a critical step in the development process. Researching, analysing and eventually procuring takes time patience and expertise. We have a network of property specialists, estate agents, brokers and land agents to help source the right assets for our portfolio and clients.


We are proud to have a team of highly skilled architects and planning consultants who collaborate closely with local authorities to efficiently secure the most appropriate consents.

Scheme Design

Our aim is to provide well planned property schemes that prioritise both aesthetic appeal and practicality. We offer affordable prices whilst maintaining high standards of quality.


Our team of tradespeople comprise of seasoned professionals with extensive experience and a proven track record of collaboration on numerous projects. The team consistently deliver on time and adhere to the latest building  regulations and the high standards that our company expects. Their dedication and expertise ensure that each project is executed with precision and excellence, meeting and often exceeding our customers expectations.

Current Projects

All projects
Contact Us

Hamilton House
80-88 Collingdon Street

0330 024 6393